Why does my puppy do this to my older dog? Questions

Discussion in 'Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois)' started by Pajor, Aug 19, 2019.

  1. Pajor

    Pajor New Member

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    Why does my puppy do this to my older dog?

    She always licks inside his mouth when she sees him and gets so happy. He won't play with her, but she still licks inside his mouth until he tells her enough. 20190818_135754.jpg
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  3. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I would imagine that she is trying to get him to regurgitate food for her. Many bitches will do this when their puppies are ready for weaning. Her mother probably responded to this prompting.
  4. Margo8478

    Margo8478 New Member

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    Two of my dogs (10 months, and 2 years) do this to my oldest dog, I thought it was them being submissive to her but my trainer said it’s dominance.
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    How can a younger dog licking inside an older dogs mouth be dominance?
  6. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Licking the lips and mouth of another dog is not uncommon, there are many theories as to why, but I wouldn’t worry about it.
    The dominance theory has been debunked. https://www.dogstardaily.com/training/misconceptions-mythical-alpha-dog

    How are Max and Joey getting along now?
  7. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    I've heard some things being put down to dominance, but this???
  8. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Dominance hasn't been "debunked". And especially not from one fairly old article that stems from one man's (Dunbar) perspective.

    Positive only dog owners of course are going to tell you that there is no such thing as dominance. Christians are going to tell you there is a such thing as Jesus. Vegans are going to say you shouldn't eat meat because it's bad for you. The FDA is going to tell you that only drugs can cure your diseases.

    It doesn't make any of those things true. It's just what suits the purposes of those people. Just keep that in mind.

    Dominance IMO definitely is a thing. Now we aren't dogs and cannot really insert ourselves into a pack of dogs (though some will argue this, as well). But amongst dogs, there can often be pecking orders.

    I'm actually having to deal with some of those issues with my two dogs, as well. The puppy is trying to be dominant over the older dog. Biting hard on the face, mounting, curling lip, snarling etc. The puppy needs to understand that he needs to leave the older dog alone. The older dog doesn't have the temperament necessary to get rid of the puppy properly, so I have to do it. No point in my older dog having bite wounds etc. My job is to prevent that.

    I have always heard that licking in the mouth is submission though... Not dominance. My puppy BITES my older dogs face hard enough to make him yelp and can break skin, which is much different and is a problem.
  9. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    The link I provided was written buy Dumbar.

    Quote (This article is based on Dr. Dunbar's Behavior column in the August 1990 issue of the American Kennel Gazette. Reprinted with the permission of the author and the American Kennel Club.
  10. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Yeah well fine Myra. Bring Christianity in it and count me out because I am a Jew. Bring veganism into it and count me out because I am not a vegan. Bring the FDA into it and count me out because I need medication to stay alive.

    And so did Pereg.

    Dominance debunked because you say so? Malone attacks your older dog because you let him.
  11. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    MalKa, I don't LET him. I stop him. He just was taken from his mother way too early and he has a nasty temperament. Even the vet claimed that in her 30 years... She had never seen a puppy younger than 16 weeks behave as Malone did. She referred me to a trainer that they use actually, claiming that he will be impossible to control once he is 40 lbs bigger. It took 3 vets to control him to take his temperature and vaccinate him and he attempted to bite the lady in the face same as he does Nigredo.

    I am the one who STOPS him, often leaving my seat in a hurry to separate them. Something you couldn't even do so please don't try me. I tried to give this puppy a home so he would not die.

    I did not say dominance was debunked... So maybe you should learn how to read before you try and attack me. I did not say any of that stuff you mentioned was true. I used them as examples.

    You literally missed my entire point and I wasn't even talking to you... So I don't even get it. Sometimes you just attack people for no reason. Same as how you claimed that user stole your pics but couldn't prove it (you were lying).

    Again go back and read. And then try again... Or just don't.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2019

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