Georgina's poorly! Health

Discussion in 'Shar Pei' started by Pork1epe1, Jul 24, 2016.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Fingers crossed that the new supplement will work and you do not have to take the poor Princess back to the vet.
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  3. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I hope the supplement works, and she improves soon. I know how long Merry's little lapse took to settle. I think spay incontinence has got to be a suspect, but I'm sure that in my girl's case stress played a big part too.
    I wonder if Georgina would be able to have a sedative if it came to an aspiration. You wouldn't think they could keep them still enough without one. I think M was being threatened with this, as they said they would have to have her in for a day so they could make sure she had a full bladder. Fortunately they let me try using a tapering off dose of Propalin first, and this has worked well for her, (though she still has the underlying problem of producing dilute urine).
  4. Pork1epe1

    Pork1epe1 Member

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    No wet bed or waking in the middle of the night since 2 am Monday morning! Fingers crossed!

    Carole ... I was very interested in what you said about Merry weeing "dilute urine" because that's how I'd describe Georgina's urine. Hers is pale and virtually odourless which in my mind doesn't seem to tally with an infection. Don't know whether I'm wrong but I would have thought if she had an infection, her urine would (possibly) be darker in colour and have a stronger odour?

    I'm not sure whether in Georgina's case it is stress related but that's also a possibility because it started shortly after she had an Xray to check for a cruciate ligament injury and was held down during the process. (It turned out to be nothing more than a strain thank goodness)!

    The only thing I can think of that might have been stressful for her is the weather which for weeks was in the high 30's and she's a breed that doesn't cope with heat very well. Since the temperature has dropped to the mid 20's she's been much better and a lot more livelier and active and we're now back to normal walks and exercise.

    From now on though I'll keep an eye on her to see if there is a link between stress and her incontinence.

    She starts her new supplement today which I think I'll give her in the evening. I got her taking pills easily in the end. When I bring them both in at night we have a game called "Sweety Time" where in return for sitting they're rewarded with a treat. Georgina's pills are concealed in some liver pate which is only used for that purpose. So far she hasn't twigged my devious ploy!
  5. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I have my fingers crossed for the Princess. I am sure they hate bed wetting, as I could tell that Merry was so pleased with herself when I could say, 'Who's got a dry bed!' Merry's later lapses seemed to be connected to either staying in the car while Ed was training - or herself attending training, so when I mentioned the stress factor, I had in mind the fact that Georgina stayed home when yourself and Prince G. went on holiday. However relaxed they seem on the surface, I suspect that with some dogs there may be an element of, 'Swan Syndrome' - serene on the top, but paddling away like mad underneath.
    Sean, the practice vet who appears to be the most interested in endocrine problems, has a suspicion that Merry's symptoms are a match for Diabetes Insipidus, sometimes called water diabetes. This is caused by the kidneys failing to concentrate the urine sufficiently, but is a difficult condition to diagnose - usually by excluding everything else. The treatment is Vasopressin for life and is very expensive.
    This is why I wanted the chance to try retraining her bladder using the reducing dose of Propalin. I think it has worked, (fingers crossed here), as we have only had one lapse since mid June, and that was my fault for not taking her to the right spot to do her wee before starting her training class.
    She is still on a tiny dose of Hold It! herb, (agrimony). It is serving as a kind of talisman, because the day she lapsed was the day I decided to take her off the herb as well. I am sure she doesn't need it anymore, but for the penny a day it costs ..... I will try not replacing it when the pot runs out.
  6. Pork1epe1

    Pork1epe1 Member

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    Just a quick update on Georgina.

    After a long chat with my vet he suggested we put her on C 11 complex which is high in Glucosamine to boost her immunity system, together with Cystopro which isn't available in I had to ask my DIL to buy it in the UK and send it over to me.

    I'm pleased to announce the combination has been a great success and she hasn't wet her bed for weeks. She also seems much better in herself and is eating like a horse, which I don't mind as she could do with putting on a little weight.

    The weather here in now much cooler which helps as well and we're able to go to training twice a week for obedience and agility both of which she loves. Yesterday Kinga and I walked them to the football pitch to do some off leash recall, which wasn't a total success because the pair of them refused to leave my side! Georgina spent most of her time, gazing into my eyes and licking my hand, whilst Gwylim just sat and wouldn't move even when told he could.

    I think I've trained them too well!
  7. Malka

    Malka Member

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    @Pork1epe1 - I know how difficult it is to purchase some things not in the UK. I has to buy the vital supplements for Pereg from the US.

    Maybe you can get what the princess needs from there? Postage is probably less than from the UK.

    You are so lucky if your weather is cooling - it does know what "cooling" means here yet, and we now have yet another plague of large black flies.

    I will not mention the snake which got cotched on a sticky pad.
  8. Pork1epe1

    Pork1epe1 Member

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    Unfortunately I can't order from the US because everything has to go through Hungarian customs which it doesn't have to do if I order from another EU country.

    The Cystopro is made in the UK but isn't available in Hungary. In the UK it doesn't require a prescription and if Petplanet UK had stocked I could have ordered it myself to be sent to me. Unfortunately, the only UK stores that stock it, like Viovet, won't accept my credit card because it has a 3D chip which many systems won't accept.

    We've got a fly invasion here at the moment ... one's just committed suicide in my coffee! They're a darned pest, but not much I can do about them as we have cows on one side of my house and horses and goats on the other!
  9. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Great news about Georgina. x
  10. Malka

    Malka Member

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    @Pork1epe1 - I am lucky in that I can get OTC products from iHerb in the UK with no problem, as long as the total weight/price is under 4lb and £4. Obviously not prescription meds though, but OTC products do not need to go through customs as long as I keep to those values. Postage depends also on weight [up to the 4lb] and because I registered with iHerb as being in Israel, all prices are in Shekalim and not US dollars, but I am used to that now.

    I do not understand credit cards with a 3D chip - I either use my Visa International card or PayPal. And I can buy from UK stores like Viovet which do not require a prescription with either card or PalPal.

    Flies? I did not mind the mice. The rats did me nasties, and now we have Big Black Flies again. Ignore the snake that got cotched on a sticky pad.

    Flies? How? My trissim [louvres] are closed. My screens are closed. The lights are off everywhere except for small night lights, so how do the bdooly flies get in?
  11. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    @Pork1epe1 Interesting to follow your experience, and compare notes.
    Merry had seven 'mistakes' between August 30th. and September 19th. (Sigh!). I popped her back onto 8 drops of Propalin at bedtime, which I am now gradually reducing, currently a four drop dose, (0.1 of a ml). You wouldn't think that such a tiny dose would do anything. On one occasion I actually witnessed her leak in her sleep - only a tablespoonful or so, but it was enough to dampen her bedding.
    This has happened approx. 7 months from the last episode, which does strengthen my notion that there may be a connection with her pre - spay cycle. She also has a recurring infection of her left anal gland, and so is on a second course of Synulox for that. (another sigh!). Because of the dilute urine, and because we were there anyway, having Eddie's thyroid level tested, (√ good), I rashly suggested that a general blood profile might be useful in identifying Merry's problem. In the event, it told us nothing as it was completely normal.
    Today I was away from home stewarding, and have returned tonight to find that Merry's shaved jugular area has erupted into an angry weeping barber's rash. (A third sigh). I have given her an antihistamine and Aloe Vera gelled it, but when she is awake, she can't leave it alone. Poor little Moomoo, she is such a good girl, why does she have to be so unlucky?

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