Whats normal doggy poo? Health

Discussion in 'Alaskan Malamute' started by Wizegrl00782, Jan 30, 2018.

  1. Wizegrl00782

    Wizegrl00782 Member

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    Yes since the episode of poo accidents, she has not had any accidents in the house!:041: lol. So know I have learned that too much bone like that will cause an upset belly & make her poo look different. Thanks everyone for ur help!:)
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Strange though but Pereg, who had only been fed on kibble, when I first offered her a piece of frozen chicken wing, looked at me as if to say FOOD! and within a day she wanted FOOD and not those pebbles she had been eating. And she coped fine on raw although it did take me a while to sort out what amounts and what supplements she should be having.

    Tikva, of course, would rather starve than eat kibble, although she will accept a small amount of tinned food if I have forgotten to defrost whatever meat she should have been having that evening. :rolleyes:

    I think a lot has to do with what type of bones and the size and the strength of the bite of the dog - although a raw fed dog from weaning is obviously at an advantage. Especially if she is half Doxie!
  4. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Nigredo is fat and will eat anything he is given. He loves any type of raw food. He loves any type of meat. He loves basically everything. He used to pick at raw ground beef, but these days he loves it like chicken. He only gets these foods rarely, I can't afford to buy him raw food. Through some miracle, he never has poop trouble. Always firm and normal looking stools. He has blown a gasket out the OTHER end a few times because he refuses to chew anything at all... But he usually manages just fine.
  5. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I think, it has been proved that some Labs have a gene which makes them inclined to be overweight, so don't feel too bad about that Myra, you do your best for your boy. The only alternative would be to increase the level of his exercise, and we know that Nigredo's hips couldn't cope with that.
    Merry will eat AnyD***Thing but, whether it is because of his bowel problem I don't know, but Eddie is quite careful about what he eats. He loves vegetables and fruit, but they must either be cooked, or absolutely fresh, or he will test with his teeth and reject them. We call him The Official Taster - his freshness discrimination is far superior to ours.
    He also refuses to eat any raw poultry or fish. He will take it, and cautiously investigate, -- - and then he rolls on it - - Anybody? What is that about? After Merry had joined us Ed decided that he could cope with the supermarket 10% fat minced beef, so we might have an occasional raw day when it is on offer, but I'm afraid it would be too expensive - and too limited a diet - for Beagle appetites otherwise.
    I am a piscaterian myself, but I believe that the feeding of dogs is an art, and benefits from a degree of flexibility. I can't agree that my dogs are not having real food because I'm not giving it to them in a raw state. I don't think they do too badly on £3+ per kilo grain free kibble, a dollop of herbs, a minimum of four fresh vegetables a day, and a garnish of tray cooked Naturo, (or maybe some tinned Butcher's Tripe for a change).
  6. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Oh yeah I'm not worried anymore. My last dog was skinny dog. This dog is fat dog. Couldn't do much about either. As you saw in the snow, Nigredo will run when he wants to. He can still move just fine when he wants to. But he is rather lazy these days. I don't feed him a lot and I exercise him when I can, but I don't force him.

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