Bubble Wrap?? General Chat

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by Toedtoes, Jul 27, 2021.

  1. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    Eddie worked hard for that jump!

    My dad's husky got his CDX. I think at around 6 years. My dad did it with his first akita too. It took him longer, about 9 years. But he decided with his later dogs he'd rather focus on the conformation only. It didn't help that the behaviors in the conformation ring didn't always jive with the obedience ring behaviors (like standing when you stop moving vs sitting) - that was his issue with his first akita. He did do tracking with his first akita and that dog was really good at it but I don't think my dad did much competition overall.

    I never had the patience to go that far. Tornado-dog could do it. And he'd be a whiz at agility. But I don't want to work that hard.
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  3. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Yes, I feel like that now. I loved working my dogs but it is a long road to success, and so many 'if only' days. Even showing in the breed ring means too many hours on the road, when you would rather be asleep. Think I'm happy to just turn up and watch these days.
    I had that plonking themselves into a smart sit problem with the Goldens, but not so much with the Beagles. I don't think trying to be precise comes naturally to a Beagle. :009:
  4. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    I used to argue long and hard with the KC about out of sight stays. To me, it gives the wrong message to owners about where and when it's safe to leave their dogs and it's downright dangerous for the dogs
  5. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    In the past three months, I've taken 4 of the critters to the vet for their annuals.

    Yesterday Looney1 went for his. He's lost a significant amount of weight this year - he had gotten heavy when I was trying to fatten up Looney2 after his weight loss last year. The vet said Looney1 looks great (she wrote "chubby" in his chart last year), but she found a heart murmur. This is new for Looney1. Looney2 has always had a heart murmur but Looney1 never has. So we're doing bloodwork to make sure nothing is going on.

    And of course, the rest of the day, Looney2 declared Looney1 an imposter podcat (Invasion of the Body Snatchers)...

    I did show the doctor this photo I took the other day. She is still completely blown away by how great Punx is doing. She said "look at her, she's a CAT!"

    She is still only about 6lbs - 10lbs less than her brother Looney2 (on the right). There's a second full grown cat between them...

    Punx will be a year old around the 25th of this month. Panther was a year old last month. Panther is still doing great. She's created a nightly routine for us. At night, I call everyone upstairs. The dogs are first up and go in the bedroom to wait for their nightly cookie. Looney2 and Punx are next and wait in the Cat's Room for canned food. Panther comes and lays on the stairs. I sit next to her and give her lots of scratches on her back while she scratches her neck on the carpeted steps. We do this until Looney1 decides to come upstairs. Then the three of us go in to the Cat's Room and I give them their canned food. Then I go into the bedroom and give the dogs their cookies.

    Silly kids.
  6. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    Oh and if any of you want to know more on that other matter, email me. juno com.
  7. Helidale

    Helidale Member

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    That is a worry about your two Loonies. How old is Loony 1? I do hope the blood results don't show a problem. Punx is looking well - lovely coat.
  8. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    Looney1 will be 6 in August. It is worrisome. The doctor said he looks great and he's not having any other issues, but the sudden heart murmur is definitely concerning. I assumed the weightloss was because he was sharing the canned with two more cats so wasn't pigging out on it anymore. But with the heart murmur, it could be something else.

    Looney2 has always had the heart murmur - since his first appointment at 7 weeks old. He'll be 5 years old in August (the boys share a birthday and are one year apart).

    I'm hoping that Looney1 was just having a stressed day and that the murmur is just a momentary issue.

    Punx's coat is very stylish. It is silky soft and doesn't really shed at all. Even at her skinniest, her coat was in great shape - the vet thought I brushed it, but Punx does all her own grooming. Her sloped face is a family thing - Rabbit had that same slope. While Panther and the other kittens have a nose that turns out of the face. Panther's face is very very pretty. I just wish she'd let me get a better photo of her. She's either in the window so I get her silhouette or she's tucked into a corner so she's in shadows.
  9. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    Cat-dog and Looney1 enjoyed an afternoon in the backyard on Saturday. They liked the spanish lavender.

    Looney1 was on his harness and leash, they just aren't visible in the photo.
    Cat-dog and Lavender_070241.jpg

    Looney1 and Lavender_070248.jpg

    Looney1 got his test results. Everything looks perfect except his cardio number which is elevated. So we're going to retest in the fall.

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