Diet for ensuring my Bitch gets pregnant Questions

Discussion in 'Clumber Spaniel' started by Brunner65, May 12, 2019.

  1. Brunner65

    Brunner65 New Member

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    Diet for ensuring my Bitch gets pregnant

    First let me introduce myself my name is Jerry Brunner and I am rather new with Clumber Spaniels, I have a 3 year old Bitch named Maddie who is just one Major away from becoming a champion, I am also the President of the Clumber Spaniel Club of Southern California and while I have learned quite a lot about Clumbers I still have a long way to go. So with that I am going to breed Maddie after she is finished so I would like a suggestion on what not to feed her so that she has a better chance of getting pregnant. I heard that pea's and flax can cause a problem with fertility. Any insight would be helpful. Thanks.
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Hello Jerry and Maddie, welcome to Breedia from Tikva and me :039:

    As you are the President of the Clumber Spaniel Club of Southern California, is there nobody there who can advise you about diet to enable Maddie to become pregnant should she reaches her aim to become a champion?

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