Need help in finding the perfect pair of boots for my Maltese. Anyone got any suggestions... Needed sort of hiking boots as we both like to stay outdoors most of the time.
Was in a pet supply store once when someone called out over the intercom “customer service to the booty aisle please, customer service to the booty aisle”. I don’t have any advice for you, but remembering this brought me a chuckle
If you type "Hiking boots for dogs" or "Shoes for dogs" into Google [or any other search engine] you will find plenty.
Hey, found this article a little relevant to my requirements in Google... If possible, could you please suggest one among them?
Why not email the various companies and ask what boots are suitable for your dogs needs and for his breed?
Is this a spoof thread? I really can't imagine a breed with such dainty legs and feet being comfortable wearing hiking boots. A normal dog's foot is designed to be unshod for exercise. Covering the dog's feet will stop the pads from becoming hard, and the nails from wearing down as they should. Unless your dog has a foot problem, and your vet has recommended covering them, please let your dog run unhindered, as nature intended.
I spent just shy of $400 U.S. at the Vet for Azreal after I tore the top layer of his pads running him 1/2 a mile on asphalt. We spend a lot of money in getting our babies and and a unexpected Vet visit can set some families back $$ that they don't have to spend . If Blue River wants to spend $ on dog boots to save $$$ at a Vet, I have no issues with that at all. We want to take the best care of our fur babies and hate seeing them in pain or being lame.
Yes, dog boots can be good if used for the right reasons. Just being outdoors, boots should not be necessary. If the ground is too hot for the dog without boots, then it's too hot for the dog WITH boots. If the dog is doing actual hiking on rough terrain, the boots can protect them. If the dog is in snow, etc, then the boots can protect them. But I wonder what activities a maltese is doing that boots would be necessary. And putting boots on the dog so it doesn't track dirt or mud into the house is not a good reason.