Hello, I am a new Alaskan Malamute mommy so I am still learning. I have a soon to be 5 month old Mal (10/11/16). I was curious about the best way to wrap her ears as they are not standing. She has put one or the other ear up occasionally but not for very long. Her ears are pretty furry so I thought weight might be an issue. I also feel she is thin. She weighs 40 lbs and has a very healthy appetite. I feed her Victor grain free puppy and she eats between 3 and 4 cups a day. She would eat twice that if I let her. Wasn't sure if she might just be at that teenage lanky stage. Any advice would be appreciated.
Hello Joy, welcome to the forum. Sorry, I have no special knowledge of Malamutes, but I'm sure someone will be along soon. Do you think the floppy ears could be a teething issue?
Hello Joy from us too. Again I have no knowledge of Mals or ears - or how much they should eat. In the meantime my little Tikki and I would like to say
Hi, I also have a 5 month old malamute, female and she is currently 18kg on the nose which is a hair shy of 40lbs.....She has a "waist" but is not thin by any means and i have been told that she is fairly large for a girl. I feed her about 120-150 g of Burns dry food 3x daily from which she has put on 6kg in the last month, though she would happily eat the bag if she got near it. As for ears, im sorry i do not know as Everest's have always stood up.