Hi all! This is my first post on here! I just recently adopted an, what I believe to be, alaskan malamute puppy. He is about 13 weeks old. I am just not completely sure if he is a purebred or not. I'm going to post some pictures and I'm hoping someone can let me know if he is a full malamute or maybe a mix with a husky judging by certain features. Thank you in advance!!
TBH Apart from the size difference, I have trouble telling which they are when adult! I suspect that many without papers could be crosses. I hope one of the Malamute posters will help you judge the finer points, as I would need to see adult pictures before I could cast a vote.
It is very difficult to tell as puppies whether they are pure-bred or a mix - do you have official papers for him? Whatever he is he is lovely and I do not know either breed except from pictures, but from the set of his ears I think he looks more Malamute then Husky. That is my opinion only so he could be either or a cross - he is still a very cute puppy!
not an expert by any means, but owning a malamute pup i would say mix, Certainly has malamute ears and features but looks slimmer and longer in the leg like a husky, If its not just the picture and the tail is straightish like that then possibly more husky in there, Malamutes have a much curlier tail. But then again its hard to judge as they do look remarkably similar. Everest is almost indistinguishable from an adult husky we met the other day until you look quite closely.
I would say your beautiful pup is a mix, but who's to say for sure. Not every pedigree dog looks like the blueprint of his breed.