Malone this morning Photos

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by mjfromga, Sep 2, 2019.

  1. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Malone this morning

    Here is my little BROWN THING now. He looks innocent, but is actually quite bad and nothing like my sweet Nigredo.

    He really is a mutt, his appearance is all over the place. He goes to the vet tomorrow. As far as I could see when I tried to look in his mouth, he still has all his baby teeth.

    He should be about 16 weeks now so they should begin to fall out soon. I was going to take him to puppy classes but I got a new job to help care for him better and whatnot and I truly don't have as much time as I used to.

    We will see. He lost his collar tag somehow... I will order him a new one. He needs a microchip, as well. I have to take him out for an hour at least to play a lot or he will act bad all day. Even an hour isn't enough but it's the best I can do on days I work. Nigredo plays too but tires quite quickly.

    He is not thin anymore and has put on some decent weight. I will be restricting his food intake now. He eats like a pig. He's got massive feet nearly the size of Nigredos and huge heavy bones. Such an odd ball.
    0902191146a~2.jpg 0902191143~2.jpg
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2019
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    BROWN thing. IT. Little adorable monster. But thankfully he is your monster and not mine! But oh how me makes me laugh.

    I do not think I could cope with his though...
  4. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Oh he is a total mess. I am sure no seniors could handle him. He really is quite bad. I am sure that he is going to act bad tomorrow at the vet.
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I cannot even write English properly so as a "senior" I think you can keep him!
  6. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    And keep him I shall! Gonna take him to the vet and then probably Petco to get a treat for putting up with needles, mouth checks, poking and prodding, and thermometers up the butt.
  7. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Just came from vet. Malone is 26 lbs or 11.7 kg. They checked his mouth. All his baby teeth are still there. Vet estimates he is about 14-15 weeks still. Not 16 weeks yet.

    He acted extremely bad. He did NOT want that thermometer up the butt. He actually tried to bite the lady in the face. They got mad at me and told me to train him. Mind you she was restricting him very tightly around his neck.

    They also told me to neuter him at 6 months which I told them I definitely would not be doing. They fought with me and told me that it needed to be done before his hormones caused him to run away from home.

    They again tried to sell me a bunch of stuff. They even asked me about Nigredo and tried to sell me meds for HIM.

    She also somehow tells me he needs another vaccine when they told me last time he was good. I'm done though. He won't be back any time soon. He's had a ton of vaccines and all very close together. No more.
  8. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I do not think I like your vet. I have never had a puppy object to anything either Ram or the vet I had years ago in England [actually a family friend but that is immaterial] have done to them. And when you think that Pereg had to have blood drawn every three months... oh 'eck. She just lay on the table and let Ram get on with it.

    Lexi used to scream her head off when she had to have her anal glands checked - she was fed on kibble - never had to bother with Pereg and now Tikki since I started raw feeding. But she did need hers checking when she had her yearly booster but never tried to attack Ram although I did have to hold her. She just screamed for the few seconds it took.

    As for trying to sell you a bunch of stuff - vets are supposed to look after animals, not sell things to make money. It is like you going to see your doctor for something and your doctor trying to sell you all sorts of things that have nothing to do with why you went in the first place.

    Strange. When you first told us about Malone I did not think he was as old as he was supposed to be and you have now confirmed it due to his teeth. But 11.7 kg at his age? Myra, I think you are going to have a big boy there!
  9. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    When I first got Malone, he was supposedly around 6 weeks... But apparently he wasn't that old yet. Probably more like 4 weeks.

    Though he is pretty big for his age, the vet suspects that he will not get too big and that he is just a fast grower and it will slow down once he hits teething age.

    She also INSISTED after looking at his coat and everything that he has a high percentage of Chesapeake Bay Retriever even though his Embark showed none of that.

    I do realize that he is quite bad, especially at the vet... But their incompetence when handling him was ridiculous. They should have asked me to help rather than try and have strangers restrain him like that.

    They ended up needing 3 people to check the temperature of and vaccinate a 15 week old 26 lb puppy. Malone is extremely strong for his size, but he is not large and the entire ordeal was ridiculous.
  10. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Yeah, like Tikva was supposed to be three-weeks-old but had no teeth? They just wanted rid of the puppies chick-chack. But I will never regret bringing that scrap home.

    Malone is not bad. He is just a very young puppy. But from what you say, you definitely need a vet who understands how to treat young puppies, and yours definitely does not.
  11. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    He's bad. Nigredo was never as bad as Malone. He would have NEVER tried to bite anybody even if they were being mean to him.

    Here is Malone today... Nigredo never had this type of drive or energy. Malone was FOCUSED here. No sounds. Barely a tail wag. He was just focused on the toy. Nigredo never cared about toys like these.

    Malone is just way higher energy and has more drive. But he is getting better. His recall is good now. Quite reliable. His leash manners still suck. His potty training is great. Almost never any accidents.
  12. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I do not think Malone is bad. I just think that he does know he is a puppy who never knew how to be one. Tikva was the same. Too young to know and with no dam to teach them.

    But I still do not like your vet.

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