Necessary supplements for dogs Health

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by Malka, Sep 5, 2014.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Necessary supplements for dogs

    Pereg is on Phenobarbitone for her epilepsy, Neither I or she [the way she is doing, which can change any second] want to add another drug, but Phenobarbitone is processed through the liver so she needs some supplements [Milk Thistle, SAMe, and Taurine] to help support her liver.

    She is also raw fed but in order to make sure she does not miss out on any vitamins, I also give her various vitamin supplements. Plus Glucosamine and Chondroitin with MSM, and Sea Mussel extract to hopefully prevent any future joint problems.

    All these supplement are my choice, discussed with my Vet and agreed by him. I buy them online - I know their purity - they are human supplements and I buy the same brands and many things for myself, and I always try to make sure that I do not run out of anything so as one whatever is empty and a new one brought out, I order replacements.

    And our bdooly post offices are now on strike and I have four orders waiting for delivery.

    I know I have enough for a good while now but always worry if I do not have the next lot in stock, as I know that they are vital for Pereg's health. And I worry in case they do not turn up in time.
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  3. katygeorge

    katygeorge Member

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    Ive just started phoebe on some supplements. Zinc, candida support, coconut oil caps and garlic and coriander oil. A alergy specialist spoke to me about candida and it seams like such a logical explanation for phoebes problems going back years, that im feeling a little let down by my vet as its never been mentioned. Really hope this works.

    They had a supplement for liver support that i have also ordered incase we encounter something called "the healing crisis".
    Hope peregs supplements turn up soon.
  4. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Thank you Katy. Pereg's Milk Thistle is in bottles of 250 capsule, her SAMe is 60 caplets in a box [and I stock up on those when they are on special offer] and her Taurine is 200 capsules in a bottle. And most of her other supplements/vitamins are also in large quantities. The ones that are in powder form also have many doses in them.

    But I always worry when I have to open a new bottle/box if I do not have a spare one. Probably because sometimes the postage from the US can be erratic, or most likely because Meri, to whom mail is delivered to the Moshav and who puts letters in the mailboxes outside the macolet and who is supposed to deliver anything too large or which needs signing for to the house to which they are addressed, has recently decided that she will not do that and expects people to go to her when she is putting letters into the mailboxes - only she only does it maybe three days a week and nobody know which days or times.

    And all to many times she keeps parcels until she has a sack full and the she might condescend to deliver them, but because she is frightened of Pereg she just throws it down my path.

    But now, apparently, all Post Offices are on strike, so she will not have mail to deliver so the orders I have outstanding and that I have confirmation have been sent - not just from iHerb but also Amazon and from China will end up sitting somewhere - but not delivered.
  5. Janet

    Janet Member

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    That must be so frustrating for you Malka. I know how hard it is when I am waiting for something completely unnecessary like a DVD or book, so I can imagine how it must feel to know something so important is languishing somewhere.
  6. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    I have always given all my dogs cod liver oil every day, not sure if there are any real benefits or not, my last system alert dog Zara lived until she was 18 years old, which is good for an GSD, she loved the taste of the cod liver oil & would sit waiting (getting under foot) until she was given a spoon of it.
  7. Malka

    Malka Member

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    @6JRT's - Tina, I do not give Pereg cod liver oil, I give her Fish Body Oil Omega 3 softgels, plus Vitamin E [the Vitamin E helps the body absorb the Omega 3. I take both myself but in larger amounts than I give Pereg, and we both take the same human-quality brand. In fact apart from a couple of things which are canine specific, everything we take are the same!

    I have discussed with Ram every supplement and vitamin I give her, and he is in full agreement that they are right for her.

    And I know that I have sufficient to last for quite a while, but I do not like not having a spare supply. [Is that a double negative? :017:]

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