Hey all, my puppy is 7 months old and we have had nothing but skin issues from around 4months old. It started off with a mite which was treated. Now we don’t know what it is exactly but my poor girl is itching that bad that her hair is missing and she’s patchy. She’s on a purina sensitive skin (salmon tuna) dry mix. She has been on steroids for the past 2 months but I stopped them last week because she was still itching. Can anyone help me manage this or have any suggestions in what I should do.. Courtney
Hello Courtney - have you contacted her breeder for any suggestions? Your puppa should not have gone to you with mites or any other parasites, internal or external. What does your vet say, only two months of steroids from such a young age really is not a good thing, and I hope you were told to taper the dosage, not just stop them as the latter can be dangerous. I do hope she will be OK and am sorry that I cannot give you any help or advice.
Yeah I contacted the breeder But they really didn’t have much to say. I’ve been to the vet about 5 times about this, she was only having quater of a tablet every second day at the end. So the vet said it was okay to stop. I know she’s so young, I didn’t want her on them in the first place but the vet made it out that it would be okay after them. But it’s not. So we’ve swapped vets now. I was trying to see if I could find any sort of solution before another vet visit. But I guess I’ll have to take her to the skin specialist.
Is the breeder a registered breeder with both dam and sire having had full health tests or did you buy your puppy from untested dam and sire from a puppy farm. And if your vet has seen your puppy that many times with no success then you need a new vet urgently. And an urgent appointment to a canine dermatologist.
We do have a member @Pork1epe1 who is knowledgeable about skin problems in Shar Pei, but she has not posted for a while. I do remember her telling other posters that it was important to use a vet who had specialist breed knowledge, and was approved by the Shar Pei Club. If you look through the past posts on this Shar Pei page, you should find some of her previous advice. Are you in the UK? If so, google the Shar Pei Club of Great Britain, where you will find a list of 'Shar Pei Friendly Vets' in various parts of the country.
Hello , Courtney.I know your pain.We have 8 month old Shar-pei.And we have skin issue from first week after we bring him home in age 8 weeks.This is are 3 rd. Shar pei so i new about this breed a lot. We have healt ensurence for him. We choose vet witch specialist in this breed.I live in Chicago.So are dog was treated by antibiotics almost 2 months.Vet told us this is allergy from outside.For me looks like allergy for food.Even we feed him best on market grain free food.so i decide change protein.Nothing was better.Puppy developed yeast infection .Hot spots, hair loss etc.because of antibiotics. Finely i decide put him on Raw Diet.First week was better but not enough.I just new cant go to regular vet because they treat my baby again by antibiotic or even worse by Steroids! I start digging and i find Holistic Vet.Holistic vet put my puppy for holistic test.He shavet some hair and send to laboratory.We wait 14 days for result.Result suprise us.Are dog is allergic for Shellfish means suplements like omega 3,6 ,fish oil and joint support suplements make him sick! Now are dog is on immune system support treatment.I feed him plain raw beef with green veggies plus raw egg, flax seeds, chia seeds and bee pollen.I hope he will be healthy and beautiful again and we will back for dog show.My sugestion: change diet! Grain free food, no wh!ite potatoes! Or go for Raw.Also i sugest skin scraping test to be sure no demodex mites.
Welcome Agnes, and thank you for contributing to this thread. I hope your Pei makes a quick recovery and is soon back in the show ring.
Normaly its dry House Conditions ,,,,I use Jergens lotion and also feed dinner with Italian Dressing ..Now Willies fur is like velvet..