So If you Could - Create your Own Dog Breed Discussions

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by WaterElephant, Dec 25, 2011.

  1. JoedeeUK

    JoedeeUK Member

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    I already have the perfect breed-The Border Collie
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  3. JoedeeUK

    JoedeeUK Member

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    No problem with people breeding dogs-as long as they are bred for a purpose, temperament & health & sadly designer dog breeders breed for money-nothing else:-(

    The man who did the first Poodle x Labrador breeding now regrets that he even thought of the idea let alone carried his idea out :shock:
  4. pippam


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    Isnt an Alsation the same as GSD??
  5. twilightwolf

    twilightwolf New Member

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    Lone Wolf
    I heard that it was because the GSD was used by both sides to fight during the war. But the British didn’t want to call their dogs German so they decided on the name Alsatian. Later, after the war, the Brits changed the name back to German Shepherd Dog

    Not quite sure if the above is accurate or not... But a GSD is indeed an alsation :lol: Now.. Belgian Shepherd dogs are a whole different story. They have the Groenednael, the Laekenois, The Malinois and the Tervuren. All different dogs breeds but all Belgian Shepherds. (if that makes sense)
  6. WaterElephant

    WaterElephant New Member

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    What a bunch of sticks in the mud.:lol:

    This is a game, a thought as to seeing how much people know of dog breeds... and it isn't much given the post response.

    I'm not saying go out and breed the dog breed of your dreams ASAP... it's a hypothetical situation.

    As for those that keep going on about overpopulation in the rescues, please pull the stick out will yas. Have you never once had a second of fun in your lives?

    And for those that like their pure bloods, really...

    There isn't a pure blood dog... never has been, never will be... all "pure blood" dogs originate from mixes - as what I have suggested in this post - which were set to an established goal/standard and that's that.

    For example - working line BCs [which are registered as BCs] in Europe still have the bearded look... as it is believed that BCs and Bearded Collies either originated from the same common type or were interbred sometime in the past.

    GSDs - used everything from white to brindled, and even in some corners of where you ask merled dogs as a means of achieving what Max von Stephanitz wanted.

    As for JoedeeUK who comments upon the first Poodle x Labrador crossing... I laugh at the blatant ignorance. Wasn't a man, was a woman. The cross was made in Australia in response from a man in Hawaii whom was allegric to dogs that wanted a guide dog for his blind wife... comical. The first reference of a Labradoodle was by Sir Donald Campbell but he didn't create the breed to my knowledge.

    And this posting was made to see if one could mark the inherited problems of various breeds and come up with something that might be better... off the top of my head, I can count over a dozen... closer to two dozen... "pure blood" breeds that shouldn't even be in existence they are so dieased / ill / useless.

    As it is, I actually got more intelligence out of the school children whom came to visit the dog shelter where I volunteer - have volunteered for the past 4 years - than all of you supposed "dog owners".
  7. ClaireandDaisy

    ClaireandDaisy New Member

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    Mine`s Minestrone. :lol:
    What a twonk.
  8. Loki's mum

    Loki's mum Member

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    Bye then. (((waves)))
  9. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    And another one bites the dust"........:?
  10. Malka

    Malka Member

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    And here was I, poor ignorant person that I am, thinking that elephants were intelligent?

  11. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    WaterElephant that is not the impression I got from your opening post and I quote...

  12. WhichPets

    WhichPets New Member

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    I think many will disagree with me on this but I think there could be more dog breeds.

    The part I struggle with with regards to cross breeding is that most of it is not done for temprememt and health but money/fun.

    I would love a dog of 10-25kg with pointed muzzle and erect ears that is not a terrier. I love my spitz but the tendency to be guarding breeds that bark a lot, chase instinct (an my dogs nervous disposition) means I think there could be a place for a dog with more biddable traits.

    I am sure people will shoot me down and say well get a different dog.. I am only stating my preferred look in a dog (erect ears, pointed muzzle) and temperament (friendly with strangers, active) which at this point in time there is not a big choice of. And that's ok.. You can't have it all but I don't think you can categorically say there's no room for another dog breed out there, I just think it's never something to be undertaken lightly (which seems to be the tendency in cross breeding at the moment).
  13. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    I am another "stick in the mud" who feels there are more than enough dog breeds already.

    If my current working line GSD turns out to be as good as I am hoping he is, then I will be fortunate enough to own the perfect dog ... for me :)
  14. cava14una

    cava14una New Member

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    I am lucky in that I had my perfect once in a lifetime dog this is Braid.


    He was a working line Beardie but I fear a Border Collie may have been involved. He was wonderful but I don't think I'll ever find another like him.

    Talking about creating a breed is ok but what will you do with all the pups it takes to create that breed?

    I had a Boxer who was a brilliant worker got placed in breed agility and open obedience shows beating Border Collies. I was asked if someone could use him at stud as the bitch was related to another of my Boxers and had a super temperament I agreed hoping for a pup with the attitude of his father and the temperament of the mother.

    I got a strong willed laid back boy who had no interest in working. All his life he would take off if it suited him never ran away kept just out of reach. Drove me demented all his life until I lost him at 10 but he also taught me a lot mainly that it isn't easy to get the traits you want in breeding:blush:

    Think this is a ramble but just what came to mind after reading the thread
  15. pippam


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    Obviously didnt read the first post then because the OP does clearly state its a game o.0''
  16. pippam


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    looks just like a border collie to me infact more border then beardie.
  17. JoedeeUK

    JoedeeUK Member

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    Er no the UK KC called GSDs Alsatian Wolfdogs after WW I as anything German was hated & despised-nothing to do with the dogs being used on both sides. The British Army mainly used Airedales in WW I BTW

    The Wolfdog bit was dropped quickly for obvious reasons, it took another 50 odd years for the name to be changed from Alsatian(GSD) to GSD(Alsatian) & another 40 odd years to remove the word Alsatian.

    Only in the UK & SA has the GSD been called Alsatian-totally a misnomer as Alsace Lorraine has been back in France since the end of WW I

    Correctly the Alsatian is a native of Alsace Lorraine & the GSD was never used in the region to work stock ergo Alsatian was a misnomer from the outset.
  18. magpye

    magpye New Member

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    I'd love to create a domestic version of one of these:

  19. chaz

    chaz New Member

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    Whichpets I have a dog that may suit you ;-), pointed muzzle, erect ears, friendly to strangers, active (I'm sure insomnia and Stumpywop would back me up), the only thing is he has a chase instinct, but he's no breed, he's a lurcher, so it may back up your theory lol.
  20. Loki's mum

    Loki's mum Member

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    The American Alsatian is however a designer dog formerly known as the Alsatian Shepalute - created to line the pockets of the founder breeder. Some may remember the lady joined the forum for a short while ago to defend her actions after breeding from an 8 month old bitch in order to make her more mature and then claimed she didn't breed the dogs - God did.:shock:
  21. Loki's mum

    Loki's mum Member

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    Elkhound - perfect for your needs:)

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