St Bernard Pregnancy Questions

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by Duchess2019, Apr 20, 2023.

  1. Duchess2019

    Duchess2019 New Member

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    St Bernard Pregnancy


    I mated my St Bernard back on 21st March and again 23rd March.

    She was scanned Monday (so day 26 from first mating) however the mobile scanner and his machine (which looked old) couldn't see anything.

    Couple of points.
    She hasn't changed much other than being affectionate towards me(it's normally my husband)

    The scanner doesn't usually do large/Giant breeds and seemed to be scanning more near her bottom end and no where by her ribs.

    Could the scan have been too early?
    Do Saints carry up high?

    My girl is a maiden.

    I've bred before but largest breed was Dalmatians and about 7 years ago now so I've forgotten how far gone she was before her scan.

    Any tips of what to look for or best times to scan?
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  3. Helidale

    Helidale Member

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    Sorry, I haven't bred a litter since 1988 - and I had toy breeds in those days! Scanning wasn't common and pregnancy was predicted by palpation, and some physical signs. As this was a new topic for me, I had a Google and found that there are a host of informative videos on YouTube - you could try looking there. In one video that I did watch, the operator was asked how many times a bitch had produced puppies after she had scanned them as negative - 'Just one', was the reply. You may have more luck on other sites where contributors are likely to be actively breeding. Many breeders now have their own scanners, or use the services of a sheep scanner as they are so expert.
    Not much help, but didn't want to ignore you.

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