What is photoshop? Questions

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by 6JRT's, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    What is photoshop?

    My dogs have been entered into a photo competition by an professional photographer, he has taken photos of my dogs & have entered them into Action photos, Loving photos, water photos, resting photos, posing photos, wildlife/dog photos & family photos, the winners should of been announced this morning.

    But a email has been sent out saying competition has been cancelled because someone (not the guy who as took photo's of my dogs) has entered 6 photos that as been photoshop, as a result all photos that have been entered will now be removed & a new photo competition will be announced in April

    I have given the professional photographer permission to enter more photos of my dogs, so we went up to the park & woods again to day so the photographer could take some new photos of my dogs (must admit the new photos are better then the last photos he entered).

    But what I want to know is what is photoshop as email said dog leads - landscape - trees - flowers - wildlife/dog
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  3. Dogloverlou

    Dogloverlou Member

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    Photoshop is an image-editing software. Many people use it to edit in backgrounds, add/remove certain objects ( for example I use it to clone dog leads out of pictures ), and you can stitch a number of different photos together etc. Usually photo competitions don't allow any unnatural editing, so for example you might be allowed to correct lighting, exposure, colour, etc. But anything else will be frowned upon in a professional competition. I don't do anything else other then the odd cloning, as I prefer my pictures natural, however I do use another editing software to adjust colour, exposure, and overall quality etc. I know many photographer friends who use PS iat a more advanced level though with some amazing results!
  4. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    As Lou has posted, Photoshop is a photo editing program... to be honest, almost all professional photographers use it, so I'm not sure why they are cancelling the competition.

    Although it's possible to go overboard (i.e. where the photo stops looking like a photo) but in that case you'd just expect the judges to mark the photo down as a style they are not looking for.

    Good luck with the re-entry!
  5. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Thanks guys one of the rules for the competition was all photos are to be entered as taken. another one was all dogs must be off lead, can't remember all of the rules but think one rule said all dogs must be willing & not staged.

    Yesterday the photographer took photos of K9, Skye & Ziva jumping over fallen tree trunk together, took photos of Zeus & Kobi playing in the river, another photo shows all 5 lying/sitting in 2 groups, there's a photo of all 5 of them standing on the fallen tree trunk (Dottie as before is not in any photos as she as to stay muzzled & kept on lead) the best photo is of me siting on fallen tree trunk with K9, K9 as his head resting on my shoulder looking up at me & I am looking down at him,
  6. katygeorge

    katygeorge Member

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    wow they sound like nice photos. will we be seeing them?
  7. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    The winning photo's will be displayed in a dog magazine, not sure if I will be able to buy any yet

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