What your biggest playmate difference? Discussions

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by LMost, Dec 20, 2014.

  1. LMost

    LMost Member

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    What your biggest playmate difference?

    Type, attitude, size, whatever?
    What dogs or dog does your love to play with that is totally different from them?

    For Mouse it's Lulu a APBT, friends dog that he plays with everyday and while he could sleep 20hrs a day she could be awake 20hrs a day and never stop moving.
    When there together it non stop play.

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  3. lovemybull

    lovemybull Member

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    Oh my before Sophie turned totally DA she was wonderful with small dogs. Just a few years ago I could take her in the small dog park and she was everyone's mama. I wish I had videos. She would play bow until her chest was touching the ground. Then a flock of tiny dogs would be at her heels "chasing" her around the dog park-she was 60lbs towering over them.

    Callie is fine with smaller dogs. His best buddy is a pug. Like when he plays with our house cats...you know if he was serious it would be all over in one bite...But his friend Bella plays tag until they're both panting on the ground. I have got to get a video of that sometime. She runs under steps he can't fit under then mocks him until he chases her to the other side. Entertaining to watch!
  4. Janet

    Janet Member

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    I suppose for Chico the Chihuahua the biggest difference has to be the Mastiffs and the Dogue de Bordeaux we sometimes meet.

    Pepe the Standard Poodle is very energetic and sometimes plays with a very elderly, staid Labrador, Bracken. The only thing is that Bracken doesn't actually realize he's playing - he's just standing there while Pepe races round and keeps coming back to give him a nudge before tearing off again, but as far as Pepe is concerned it's a game!

    Bogie the Cocker is strange - he will ignore most dogs (he has more than enough playing at home as far as he is concerned) but occasionally he will really take to a dog and get all silly. I once had a border collie who treated all dogs with contempt except Afghan Hounds, which he thought were wonderful!
  5. Pork1epe1

    Pork1epe1 Member

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    Georgina has the typical inscrutable Chinese Shar-Pei attitude towards other dogs. She's calm and friendly towards every dog she meets whether it's the size of the aloof Tibetan Mastiff she met the other week or the tiny yappy Yorkie that comes to training. But as for ACTUALLY playing with them ...perish the thought ... it's way beneath her dignity! Being a refined Pei lady she much prefers to stand on the side lines and watch the other dogs race around making fools of themselves than join in! She does however let her hair down at home and she and Gwylim have some wonderful games.

    Having spent the first nine months of his life with other Miniature Schnauzers Gwylim tends to be wary of larger dogs with the exception of GSD's which for some reason he seems to like! Dogs his own size and smaller he likes and his best friend at training used to be a small Cavvy cross. His very best friend and the dog he loves to play with (and snuggle up to) is ... as it should be .... big sister Georgina!
  6. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    @LMost And an excellent way of keeping a giant breed fit! It is also such good advert for both of those breeds, helping to break down public preconceptions of dog aggression.
  7. LMost

    LMost Member

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    @CaroleC. Every kid within a mile of the house knows Mouse, and loves on him when we walk. It's funny because the same people who would cross the street to avoid Lulu (who is a whole 20 to 25lbs), will pull over and want to pet Mouse a 160+ dog.
    Yesterday on our daily walk to the drive thru 4 people opened there car doors, called him by name and petted him. It's funny when more people know the name of your dog than you.
  8. Pork1epe1

    Pork1epe1 Member

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    Georgina and Gwylim playing in the garden earlier this year!

  9. LMost

    LMost Member

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    Great pic pork1epe1. How are Shar-Pei health and temp wise, always hear about them but one of those dogs I never really see around anymore.
  10. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    This is K9 when he was 12 weeks old meeting a lovely wolfhound

  11. LMost

    LMost Member

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    Love the look in the wolfhounds eyes 6JRT's.
  12. Pork1epe1

    Pork1epe1 Member

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    QUOTE="LMost, post: 189751, member: 38395"]Great pic pork1epe1. How are Shar-Pei health and temp wise, always hear about them but one of those dogs I never really see around anymore.[/QUOTE]

    Health wise Shar-Pei are high maintenance dogs due to a multitude of genetic disorders..... for example, 38% of American Pei will suffer from FSF (Familial Shar-Pei Fever). Although much research has been done in both the USA and Sweden because of the complexity there are are still no reliable health tests for the breed, so its very much the luck of the draw whether your puppy will be healthy or not. Some companies won't insure Pei. Because Pei are prone to yeast infections they need to be fed a raw home cooked or good quality grain free diet so although they're usually moderate eaters their food bill can be high.

    Temperament wise, even as young puppies, Pei are serious minded, reserved, aloof, intuitive and very sensitive by nature. Because they like to be clean, house training only takes a few days ... both mine were house trained at 9 weeks old. They're one of the easiest breeds to train as obedience comes naturally to them, but they need a firm gentle owner who understands their complex nature. Exercise wise a twice daily 20 minute walk is fine as Pei tend to be couch potatoes and not very athletic. The downside is that Pei can be as stubborn as mules and refuse to listen to you .... sometimes for days on end! But as I've found out with Georgina its best to ignore her completely, because if there's one thing a Pei hates its being ignored by their owner.

    I fell head over heels in love with Shar-Pei when I bought my first one on impulse. It's difficult to explain but as anyone who loves the breed will tell you"Pei are different" from other dogs but if you're prepared to take the time to study and understand them you'll have the most loyal and devoted dog you could ever wish for.
  13. manydogz

    manydogz Member

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    manydogz (Debra)
    My Chihuahua's are the best couch potatoes you've ever seen. They all sleep together but don't play with each other. They will play oweeee with me. That's when they "bite" my fingers and arms and I say oweeee, as long as no one has to get up. My big dog plays with me, john and johnny but does not tolerate any animals in her yard, especially other dogs. If I go for a walk the Chihuahua's follow me but still don't play. Put a lead on one and she'll sit until you take it off even if you keep going without her.
  14. Izzythesprocker

    Izzythesprocker New Member

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    Izzy will not generally play with other dogs, especially dogs she knows. However she loves large dog breeds such as Newfoundlands so basically any dog more than twice her size is a playmate.
    This is Izzy and her friend Memphis when he was a tiny puppy.
  15. Malka

    Malka Member

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    If Memphis was a tiny puppy in that photo, how big is he now? :shock:

    Lovely photo - Izzy's coat looks like it has been freshly polished! :)

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