Where did you get your dog from? Discussions

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by Azz, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    Where did you get your dog from?

    Did you buy your dog or puppy from a breeder? Did you rescue? Did you breed the litter yourself? Or?

    Would you do the same again? Or something different? :101:
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  3. Janet

    Janet Member

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    I bought Pepe (standard poodle) from a breeder, after years of taking in rescues, and was consumed with guilt! Wouldn't swap him for the world though.

    Bogie, the cocker spaniel, had been returned to his breeder as the first owner's vet found he had juvenile cataracts. The breeder nearly had him put to sleep but decided to find him a home instead. He's now 9 and the cataracts haven't grown at all.

    Witty (terrier cross) belonged to someone my son knew. They got him for their teenage sons, who had no interest in him whatsoever, and he was living permanently outside and totally ignored. Eventually I was able to get them to hand him over.

    Previous to that I had Gertie the lurcher, who had been abandoned after her owners had been chased away for poaching.

    I think it's almost certain that I'll go for another rescue next time - there are so many needing homes - but litters of puppies are very hard to resist!
  4. Bitkin

    Bitkin Member

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    We brought Jimmi home from Dogs Trust in Evesham four years ago, and our previous two dogs were also rescues.

    Sometimes I feel envious of those with normal dogs with no "issues", but on the whole have never ever regretted going down the rescue dog route. Yes, it's jolly hard work and you can never be quite sure what you are taking on, but these rejects are so rewarding in their own way.
  5. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    Aww you both saints - rescuing your dogs :)

    I kinda feel like I rescued Rocky, even though we got him from a breeder - they were on a farm and didn't get out much. And of course with him being epileptic, and needing cruciate surgery - I wonder whether some other owner would have bothered. So that sort of makes me feel like I 'saved' him too. Well that's what I keep telling myself lol
  6. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    Syd and Rio, Dobermanns came from very good breeders, Frankie, terrier mix was a freebie rehome with aggression issues cos he was bullied by the resident dog. Milan Dobermann was a freebie rehome with aggression issues cos she'd had 4 homes before being found wandering the streets filthy, stinky and an airgun pellet lodged in her back, she was 8 months old. Diesel staffie freebie rehome from a family member. Tucson and Phoenix Pugs from very good breeders and Teddy Pug was a rehome as he was being bullied by the resident dog.
  7. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    The Boxers came from breeders, in the past have gotten from dogs homes , Figo is from a breeder and I had to travel miles to see and get him, I will hopefully one day rescue a Boxer.
  8. Bitkin

    Bitkin Member

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    Azz, it sounds as if you most definitely did rescue Rocky - not everyone would be prepared to soldier on with those problems and such dogs as Rocky could well have ended up in a rescue centre with little hope of a new home, or worse. I know the cost and commitment of cruciate injuries, and epilepsy is not easy to manage. Rocky was a much loved and cared for dog, and you should be proud of your role in his life.
  9. Brandykins

    Brandykins Fondly Remembered

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    A breeder of Utes from Airdrie - I think she was from there and enough said about her the better!
  10. duRM

    duRM New Member

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    Eireann is the daughter of my male with a friends bitch.
    Hisme, Houfti, Dora, Kúmchroí & Kúnamara were all born at home. (the youngest are the 6th generation born here).
    Galopine the Jack we got from a JRT Breeder.
    Mistral the x Chihuahua was an oups litter at a friends and he gave him to us.
  11. wolf320f

    wolf320f New Member

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    Buddy was bought off a builder advertising in a local paper. as i walked into the house he ran up to me no bigger than my hand and woofed at me, i simply said thats the one it was love at first sight. it was only out of curiosity that i asked if the parents were about the next thing i knew he opened a door to the back yard picked them up and dumped them in my arms where i got licked and fussed over silly.

    He came home with me smack on eight weeks via the vet and a sharp needle where our corgi basset cross Gemma took over as mum and teacher. in all my days i will never spend a more wise £150 DSCF0053.JPG
  12. swimdog

    swimdog Member

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    :rolleyes: We bought Zack from a breeder in London and they were the nicest people ever, they told us all the ups and downs of owning a Newfie and gave us loads of info about the breed and were so helpful. Wouldn't change a thing. He is a big fluffy teddy and everyone loves him. :D
  13. wildmoor

    wildmoor Member

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    All mine were from breeders the CPs from 2 different ones in Czech, my GSD from an Italian breeder near Preston
    I have had rescue GSDs before, no other CPs in the UK, but having my young grandchildren stay my next dogs will definitely be from breeders, already identified last year what breeder my next GSDs will be from in Germany.
  14. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    I got my three GSD from breeders, Flame and Yogi at 8 weeks and Zak at 8 months. Rip my border collie was a rehome as his shepherd owner died suddenly and there were 8 sheepdogs to find homes for.

    My first GSD was a reject police dog, so a sort of rehome/rescue.

    My next pup will definitely be another WL shepherd from a breeder but won't be for a good few years yet. I would certainly rescue dogs again in the future but not while my son is still young (he is six years at the moment).
  15. suey

    suey New Member

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    I did everything that's wrong in buying a pup I looked on a website and found Lexi's breeder in South Wales I rang him he said all the bitches were sold (as I wanted a bitch as only ever owned bitches) so I thought oh well the next day he rang me and said he had a bitch as another customer had decided to have a dog instead we had to wait 3 weeks to fetch her so off we went on a 3 hour journey from home arrived there and he took us to where the pups were there was about 12 puppies in a pen all very clean old pig styes converted for dogs with an outside concrete area and an inside carpeted pen all immaculate he said there is your pup she was so tiny to the others and a lot darker in colour but gorgeous he said her mother and auntie were in the next pen which he showed us we picked her up paid and went home she was very quiet and well behaved on the journey the next day she had awful diahorria and passing blood so we took her to the vets (she had an appointment to be checked over anyway) she was given antibiotics she did well and got well quite quickly but she has always had a tender tummy a couple of bouts which the vet has thought may have been pancreatitus but no results have come back positive for this but other than that she has been an adorable little girl who loves everyone she meets especially children and she hardly ever barks...
    So from dubious beginings we have had the most wonderful pet you could wish for...
    She was our first pup all other dogs we have had have been adult rescues and we have never had a bad one ...
  16. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    Thanks for the replies everyone - it's interesting to hear all of your stories :)

    I'm so pleased everything worked out Suey, I was reading that with baited breath.
  17. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Jade was gotten by my mother from a garbage dog breeder who said she was a reject unsellable puppy as she was the runted puppy and had "weird looking" back legs. As is custom, lady was going to drown her. Got her at 4 weeks old, or perhaps 5 weeks ages ago.

    Lady claims Jade is a GSD/staffy but she was probably lying so nobody really knows. I call her GSD/pitty because that makes more sense. Mother doesn't really like dogs, so this turned into a big mess... but she's with me and all is well now.

    Brownie was a Christmas gift by my father in 1997. Someone at his job bred an accidental litter and was just giving the puppies away he said. Lived to be 15 and was healthy for almost all of those years. Never lost a step and fought to the very end, even after the injections he wouldn't give up.

    I got Nigredo at a shelter. Went a LONG way to get him. The shelter was awesome! He hopped up on the little brick puppy holder and I was in love at first sight. The $150 fee was halved by some amazon purchases for the shelter. Long interview, some house checks... bunch of drama and he was mine.

    Got Shelly, a Rottweiler from a friends father at 8 months. Had her for about 2 years. Was an outside dog mostly. Neighbor killed her because she was phobic of Rotties. Left a permanent scar, never can own or even pet a Rottie now.

    Had a big dog named Barker from a local rescue... quickly found out why he got that name... and after a fight between him and Brownie.. he was returned to the shelter by my parents.

    Derrick (GSD mix), Dog (female pit bull I never named), and a few others I fostered and saved from the streets were gotten... um... from the streets and a few local foster shelters.

    Very happy with all dogs though I probably will only have one dog at a time from now on.
  18. Pork1epe1

    Pork1epe1 Member

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    Most of tthe dogs I've had before Chloe, M'boi and Georgina were either given to me as unwanted puppies or Pedigree dogs bought from reputable breeders

    When I moved to Hungary I'd made my mind up to have a Maltese Poodle and a Boxer, but not having internet at the time or able to understand much Hungarian I asked a friend to help me search through the regional newspapers. After finding an advert for what she assured me was a Maltese Poodle breeder who had puppies for sale I asked her to make an appointment to see them. She and I drove 120 miles in the pouring rain only to find when I saw the puppies and their Mum I knew that never in a thousand years were they Maltese Poodles and I'd no idea what breed they were! Then one tiny puppy walked up to me, looked me straight in the eye and I was completely lost, so paid my money and brought her home. It was several months later when I got internet that I discovered my little Chloe was a Tibetan Spaniel.

    About a month later the same friend bundled me into my car saying she'd found some Boxer pups. Off we went this time not to a breeder but to a man who exported dogs all over Europe. No Boxers but around 50 dogs of various breeds and I was just about to leave when he told me to follow him. We went into a large kennnel where he had a Mum with two 8 week old puppies. I had to ask what breed they were and was told Shar-Pei. He gave me the girl pup to hold and she was the ugliest little creature I'd ever seen but immmediately fell in in love. Once again paid my money and brought her home and called her M'boi.

    Georgina was bought from one of the top Shar-Pei breeders in the country and I had to wait for nearly a year before she was born, but it was worth it because she's such a lovely girl.

    I don't regret having a Tibbie and a Pei instead of a Maltese and a Boxer, in fact I'm rather glad because otherwise I'd never have know what wonderful breeds they both are.
  19. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    In the past I have always bought from reputable breeders but when I gave up showing l decided to go for rescue.

    Had my name down at local rescue for young Gsd, enter Kyra, she had been picked up as a stray we reckon she was around 6/7 mths old, was very hard work for first 18 months but turned out a real ambassador to her breed with such a wonderful temperament.

    Heiko came from council dog pound his time almost up, he was one year old and was kept in yard, he barked continuously ,neighbours complained so the owner told warden to take him away, not being socialised he was also hard work for a time, but has turned out fine and I have no regrets.

    Would I rescue again, yes though would probably be a golden oldie Gsd.
  20. Polarbear2008

    Polarbear2008 New Member

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    My first Lancashire Heeler came from a farm and she was a great little dog - she almost didn't make it home with us as someone else had been to collect their pup on the same day and left with the wrong one.... The kids realised and chased after them, rescuing my Molly and giving them theirs!
    Bailiie came from a breeder in Portsmouth and really only because I wanted a liver and tan heeler and when I saw her siblings I just knew she was what I wanted. I've never looked back....
  21. katygeorge

    katygeorge Member

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    phoebe came in to the world on a path of right and wrong.
    she was an accident my brother and his neighbour both had bullmastiffs and they liked to play together, nobody paying attention next thing we know we have pups on the way. I was there when she was born, i maybe pulled her out as i pulled the last 7 out as mum could only just get their heads out, the rest of body was a joint effort with vet on speaker phone. I helped my brother over the next 8 weeks with the brood of 10 loopy puppies. Phoebe was a social reject from the point the pups were up and about just always by herself. Nobody wanted her (the fools) when she was 9 weeks i went to my brothers to see her as i had grown a bond with her but i didnt want her, but then my brother said somebody was coming to take her later that day. I was panic stricken at the thought she would be gone so i picked her up (not easy) and ran to my car it was only at that point i knew i had to have her. My brother tried to talk me out of it saying she was going to be a problem and i wasnt experienced enough to deal with her but i didnt care i couldnt face her leaving with those other people. He didnt sell the puppies for stupid money just a few hundred pound but it barely covered all the food, vaccinations, microchips, vets, wormer, flea. He kept one and i had phoebe and the lad next door had one aswell so only 7 were sold.
    In a way he was right with phoebe, i have really struggled with her behaviour and health problems over the years but i often think would those other people have done what i have. Maybe that was the reason i suddenly dognapped her because that was the way it was meant to be.

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